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Ending The Year With My Fall 2016 Portfolio!

The end of the year is almost here and it’s been an amazing one at that. I have learned so much and especially during the past few months. I have been enrolled in a photography class, COMM 316, at BYU-Idaho and learned so many incredible things from my teacher Caryn Esplin as well as the talented individuals taking the class with me.

Overall, one of the biggest takeaways from the class has been discovering my personal style when it comes to photography. I would like to say that I feel my style is personal. I try to take photos the way I see them in real life and give my subjects (whether they are people, objects, or giant mountains) personality and show off the qualities that I appreciate in them.

Wooden Floors Add Personality with Food Photography


Seriously, one of my favorite styles when it comes to product photography is using wood floors and tables to help add personality to my work. The warm tones and interesting designs within the wood grain definitely helps do that and I love being able to mix and match while seeing what works well with different objects.



Get Your Grunge On


That’s right, get your grunge on! With powerful photography, I had a blast being able to produce stunning fashion photography and going to location. Being able to combine portraits with the world around us is something that I find incredible to creating great moments with my camera.


Playing With The Dark


A huge part of my style would have to be when I find myself playing with the dark. I know you’ve heard about people playing with light but I find myself playing with the lack of light sometimes. This allows me to then use light sparingly and create powerful and unique images. Light Painting is another one of those moments that I get to play around in the dark. Sometimes I feel like I’m just messing around but the results are astounding quite often. It has also shown me to not be afraid to try new techniques or photography styles.




Master Light Photography


To set the record straight, I do not consider myself a master of light yet when it comes to photography. However, I do love to see how far I have come in regards to understanding more and more about light and being able to bring life into my pictures. It’s one of those things that I feel I will always be learning something new and be able to push myself forever to continue to take amazing pictures, especially portraits, but really anything that the sun can touch and everything that my speed light can reach.

