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Mobile Triangle Snoot


A brand new technique that I recently learned was MTS, short for Mobile Triangle Snoot. This technique is achieved by taking pictures with an external light source, such as a speed light, and then wrapping a light flashbender around the end of the light source to create a tunnel for the light to be controlled into a specific area, wherever and however you shape the end of the created “snoot”. The “triangle” bit is important because this technique is possible by just holding your camera in one hand and the light in the other hand, aiming towards the intended subject.

Look above at the picture of the basketball hoop. That effect of the light on the bottom of the net was attained by me literally holding the light up towards the net while standing below the hoop. With the cloudy sky and epic contrast, it makes an ordinary object stand out quite a bit from its surroundings.

Dynamic Portraits

By using the MTS technique, you are not only able to find interesting and compelling lighting on objects, but on people too. Janae was kind enough to be my model to demonstrate the power that having the flash bender wrapped to focus the light into one controlled area really helps create a powerfully dynamic mood. Both pictures show how the range of this technique is effective both indoors and outdoors and that you may eliminate the background of your subject, the first picture of Janae shows. I was able to play with the intensity of the light in both situations and it goes to show what power this control really does have. westonschindler-balance-the-light-janae-harker-photographer-mts-fog-1westonschindler-balance-the-light-janae-harker-photographer-mts-2